Adolescent Problems
Adolescent Problems
A practical Guide for Parents and Teachers
Author: Doula Nicholson Harry Ayers
Aims to help teachers and parents deal with the many different problems
experienced by young people. The text presents theories and a range of
practical approaches to help parents and teachers develop strategies with
which to respond to particular problems. It has an accessible format with
illustrations to help the reader identify the main elements of the theories,
and provides an appendix of useful addresses and structured interview forms
to help professionals interview adolescents and their parents.
Theory: the concept of adolescence; theories of adolescent development - Erikson
and the development of identity, Kohlberg and moral development, Loevinger
and ego development, Bandura and the social cognitive understanding of
development, Bronfenbrenner and the ecological approach to development,
Kegan and the constructive-developmental perspective to development, Blos
and the object relations view on development; theoretical approaches to
adolescent problems - behavioural, psychodynamic, client-centred,
cognitive, rational-emotive, social-cognitive, ecosystemic. Practice:
adolescent problems - behaviour difficulties, emotional difficulties,
relationship difficulties, sexual relationships, eating disorders,
substance abuse, case studies; interview forms for using with adolescent
and parents/carers. Appendix: useful addresses.
Publisher: David Fulton Publishers